Welcome to
Your Portal
Once you get started, as well as being asked your name, you will be asked a series of questions to create your unique portal record. Whatever information you enter at this point, you should continue to use in order to access your portal.
Once you enter this information, the veterinary surgeon that you allocate to this record will be able to view this information. If you do not wish to provide us with this information, please do not register. We do not pass on your data to third parties, and only use this data to allow you to register your dog. Please visit www.RCVSK.org for more information. For help with logging in, please contact Amplitude Clinical Outcomes on 0333 014 6363
You can choose to stop taking part at any time by clicking on the “My Details” button (which can be found on the bottom of the following pages) and taking the relevant actions, and your data will then be anonymised immediately.
I'm sorry but your dog's details could not be found in our database. Please try again or contact customer support at customer.support@amplitude-clinical.com or 0333 014 6363 for help.
You have chosen not to consent. If you made a mistake or would like further information, please contact the Amplitude Help Desk on 0333 014 6363 or email customer.support@amplitude-clinical.com. Please note if you do not wish to receive further emails from the system, you also need to turn off the email/SMS button on the previous screen.